About Aerial Hammocks


Aerial hammocks are a fairly new form of aerial, which has gained a lot more popularity in the last 5 years. An aerial hammock class, also called aerial sling, can involve a combination of stretching, strengthening and conditioning moves, often with a least one limb on the ground, developing into poses, wraps and flips in the air. We often have the hammock rigged to hip height, but it can also be rigged low to the ground or higher in the air, depending on the aims of sessions.

Aerial yoga, also known as anti-gravity yoga ,uses hammocks for yoga poses and flows while suspended in the air, which offers a different dimension to traditional, floor based yoga.

Benefits of Aerial Hammocks

  • Decompressing effect on the body: The chance to hang freely allows the spine to lengthen and the vertebrae to decompress. In a study titled ‘Inverted Spinal Traction’ published in Arch Phys. Medical Rehab 59: 367-370, Aug 78., physiotherapist LJ Nosse found that inverting and decompression of the spine decreases muscle tension by over 35% within the first 10 seconds.

  • Improves flexibility: Having the support of a hammock helps you move freely in the air and explore poses and shapes with much less stress on the joints and tendons.

  • Increases strength: Aerial is pretty much a total body work out. Because gravity is working harder on your body, your muscles work harder, too. Counteracting gravity helps you engage and utilise muscles you may not realise you had!

  • Engage the core : Suspension encourages students to use their abs more than floor based exercises.

  • Uplifts mood: The unfamiliarity of aerial gets your adrenaline going, helping to release “happy” hormones like endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine, which boost your mood and help you feel energised.

  • Improves balance: While being upside down is fun, we also do a lot of work with one leg suspended. This helps with balance and stability in every day life.

  • Increases confidence: Aerial arts can look visually stunning - however, as with everything, some poses take time and practise to master. But when you finally master that flying straddle, hip lock star, or hold a plank, you'll be so proud of yourself!

  • It's fun! Hanging upside down adds a little childlike joy to your life - and we can all benefit from that.